One’s Trash, Another’s Treasure—The Film Photography of Stewart Lawrence

Intro written by Chelsea Rose

Stewart Lawrence has a keen eye for the kind of detail that most would never notice.

Roaming with his 35mm camera he captures the minutiae of everyday suburban scenes—old tires, run down houses, and the shadows, patterns, and textures he encounters are transformed into art.

His thoughtful images invoke a quiet stillness wherein the aftermath of human waste coexists in harmony with nature. This unique perspective invites us to take a second glance at the world around us, reminding us that beauty and art are ever-present.

The answers to these questions were submitted via the WOOO Spotlight Questionnaire.


What do they call you?
Stewart Lawrence

Favorite color at the moment?

Describe your happy place.
On the couch watching bad horror movies with my girlfriend.

What is your art?
Taking photos whenever and wherever. Most days I just take a camera and walk around for a few hours around different parts of town, looking for whatever catches my attention. I enjoy drawing as well, but photography is definitely my favorite hobby.

Is there an overall message, feeling or theme that your art is meant to evoke?
I think I just enjoy trying to highlight the little moments and details that constantly surround us in everyday life. Taking time to slow down and appreciate the simple things around us is what I think I'd consider the "message" of my photos.

Where do you create?
Anywhere really. I usually bring a camera with me most places I go, and keep a lookout for whatever seems interesting to photograph.

Who or what have you been inspired by recently?
The incredible community of artists I've been fortunate enough to connect with over the past few years on Instagram constantly inspires me to go shoot and push my composition, lighting, etc. Enoch Ku, Minkella, Scott Kreider, and Adam Whyte are a few that instantly come to mind, but there are so many other rad photographers there that always produce inspiring work.

What are you working towards now?
Nothing in particular really. Photography has always been such a joyous hobby for me, I've never wanted to make it about anything other than taking photos that I enjoy, and sharing them with people who care to look at them. On a smaller scale, I'd like to put a little zine together soon, so I should probably stop being such a lazy ass and get that process going haha.

Why do you do what you do?
Aside from it just being fun, I think photography has helped me slow down a bit and keeps me from not just walking around with my head down all the time.

Where can we view your work / find you online?
@hashbrownbby on Instagram.

Fellow artists/creatives to recommend?
Aside from the ones I had mentioned earlier, online publications have helped me find a lot of great photographers through features and artist spotlights. Rental Magazine, Broad Magazine, Wool Magazine, and Noice Magazine are good places to start for finding interesting new photographers.


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